Purificación y extracción ADN y ARN
Referencia: I06-PK01X5
Proteinase K Solution 100 mg
110,00 €
IBIAN-Proteinase K Solution 100 mg en 5 tubos de 1 ml (concentración de 20 mg/ml)
Tested to use with DirectPCR Lysis Reagent
Referencia: FABGK 002
Blood / Cultured Cells Genomic DNA Extraction Midi Kit (25prep)
252,00 €
Blood / Cultured Cells Genomic DNA Extraction Midi Kit (25prep)
Referencia: FAPKE 96002
96-well GE/PCR Clean Up Purification Kit (2 plates)
227,00 €
96-well GE/PCR Clean Up Purification Kit (2 plates)
Referencia: FAPRK 001
FavorPrep Plant Total RNA Mini Kit (50 preps)
168,00 €
FavorPrep Plant Total RNA Mini Kit de 50 preps (sample size: up to100 mg of plant tissue, fruit | seed)